Book a taxi in Mons - Hainaut up to 70% cheaper

Taxi cab trip fare |
Best price
Average price
Mons to Maubeuge | 69€ | 116€ |
Mons to Aulnoye-Aymeries | 394€ | 394€ |
Mons to Tourcoing | 140€ | 181€ |
Brugge railway station to Mons | 232€ | 241€ |
Bruges 8000 to Mons | 232€ | 241€ |
- How much are taxis from Mons - Hainaut to Maubeuge ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 116 € while the cheapest price offered is 69 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 24 km Duration: 26 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 7 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi ride cost from Mons - Hainaut to Aulnoye-Aymeries ?
The price of this taxi ride is on average 394 € with the lowest fare available being 394 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 32 km Duration: 38 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 7 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi ride cost from Mons - Hainaut to Tourcoing ?
The average price for a taxi trip is 181 €, when using a price comparison website you can book the same ride as cheap as 140 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 82 km Duration: 1 h View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 8 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a cab cost from Brugge railway station to Mons - Hainaut ?
The price for a taxi service is on average 241 € with the lowest fare available being 232 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 129 km Duration: 1 h 23 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 8 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much do cab cost from Bruges - West Flanders 8000 to Mons - Hainaut ?
The average cost with a taxi company is 241 € while the most affordable price obtained is 232 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 129 km Duration: 1 h 23 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 8 drivers available on monTransport.com.
Last client's ratings
Great service and easy to use.
Was visiting the St Emilion region for my wedding. Enabled me to find a good sizeable transport for my entire family (2 adults and 2 kids), with a baby seat and booster.
Very useful for long rides thatVery useful for long rides that Uber or Kapten seldom serve.
Excellent site to use and very fast response to my questions
Nice model - works wellNice model, efficient bidding mechanism.
Absolutely excellent service, I couldn’t fault it.
Perfect service, driver was punctual, lovely, and helpful, service was excellent, website is super efficient and reliable, and very responsive with any queries. I highly recommend it.
Excellent site from which to make an informed transportation choice. The driver and service were of the highest quality and a very good value for the reasonable price charged.
Good communication. Easygoing persons
Youseff was a great driver! He was prompt and friendly. He offered great information and was an expert of the road. We would definitely recommend Youseff for anyone in need of a friendly and professional driver.
excellent website to find good alternatives to taxi and uber. simple to use and very transparent
Great service, professional driver, clean and comfortable car
Easy to place your request, can see reviews of each provider. Easy to pay in advance to make it stress free service.
Good experience, would recommend
Really enjoyed the 2 trips from Facture Biganos to Andernos I was late because of the trains on the way there but the driver was waiting for me. very pleasant chauffeur! Thanks very much
Wonderful Service. I use your services a number of times. We he’d excellent experiences each time. It is a wonderful service.
Now our sole way of booking a trWe'd been actively looking for this kind of service, after a few mild experiences when trying to book a taxi. The research was worthwhile though, and we don't regret having spent some time on this. After approximately 10 bookings, we are very satisfied: wait a few hours, then make an enlightened cho...
Great service at a normal rate. Driver was lovely, friendly and punctual. Clean tidy vehicle and the driving was nice and smooth- didn't have to cling on for dear life like you do sometimes. Would highly recommend.
VERY helpful and friendly!!
Competitive price
Secure payment
Qualified drivers
Any vehicles types
Many options and services
Do not hesitate to ask :
- A booster or baby seat for your child,
- If pets are accepted,
- To organize a private shuttle for your events (seminars, congresses, pilgrimages etc.),
- A welcome with a sign at the airport or at the train station.
Order a Taxi Online in Mons - Hainaut
Whether you're traveling to or from Mons - Hainaut or need a taxi to reach Brussels, we have you covered. Whether you're a tourist, a local, or a businessman visiting a client, our local taxi partners and private drivers are available 24/7 to transport you anywhere in Belgium or across Europe.
Curious about the cost of your cab fare? Use our convenient UBER taxi calculator for accurate flat rates.
Getting to the Airport from Mons - Hainaut by Taxi
Once you're in Mons - Hainaut you can easily order an airport cab transfer to:- (45km ride in 29mn )
- (47km ride in 36mn )
- (78km ride in 51mn )
Going from Mons - Hainaut in taxi to a train station
Once you're in Mons - Hainaut you can easily order a cab to the following SNCB railway stations:- (22km ride in 28mn )
- (33km ride in 40mn )
- (34km ride in 42mn )
- (48km ride in 37mn )
- (38km ride in 30mn )
Hailing and taxi ranks in Mons - Hainaut
There are no reliable taxi ranks in town where you can wait for a cab or UBER without booking / calling first. Hailing a taxi in the street is clearly not an option here, as there are too few taxis available nearby.
To ensure a seamless experience, it is crucial to book your taxi in advance through our platform. By booking with us, you'll have the assurance of a reviewed driver and a competitive prepaid rate. Book a cheap taxi now at monTransport.com.
Call/order a taxi central
For immediate rides, you can try calling a taxi number in Mons - Hainaut to request a cab. However, we recommend ordering at least 12 hours in advance to secure a driver in this region. Pre-booking allows you to select optional services such as baby seats or booster seats.
One drawback of ordering a taxi immediately is the uncertainty of the fare until you reach your destination. The price is calculated based on the taxi meter, which may include additional fees such as approach charges, charges for the fourth passenger, acceptance of pets, departures from railway stations or airports, and more.