Book a Taxi / Cab in Hainaut Province up to 70% cheaper

Taxi cab trip fare |
Best price
Average price
Mons to Maubeuge | 69€ | 116€ |
Mons to Aulnoye-Aymeries | 394€ | 394€ |
Mons to Tourcoing | 140€ | 181€ |
Charleroi 6000 to Zaventem Airport (Brussels) | 104€ | 163€ |
Charleroi 6000 to Brussels 1000 | 104€ | 155€ |
Charleroi 6000 to Brussels South Charleroi Airport | 46€ | 52€ |
Charleroi 6000 to Tourcoing | 291€ | 291€ |
Tournai to Lille 59800 | 38€ | 60€ |
Tournai to Tourcoing | 47€ | 65€ |
Tournai to Pecq | 63€ | 63€ |
- How much are taxis from Mons - Hainaut to Maubeuge ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 116 € while the cheapest price offered is 69 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 24 km Duration: 26 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 7 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi ride cost from Mons - Hainaut to Aulnoye-Aymeries ?
The price of this taxi ride is on average 394 € with the lowest fare available being 394 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 32 km Duration: 38 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 7 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi ride cost from Mons - Hainaut to Tourcoing ?
The average price for a taxi trip is 181 €, when using a price comparison website you can book the same ride as cheap as 140 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 82 km Duration: 1 h View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 8 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the cost for my taxi ride from Charleroi 6000 to Zaventem Airport (Brussels) ?
The taxi price is generally 163 € while the cheapest price obtained on the price comparison website is 104 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 71 km Duration: 50 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 14 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the cost for my taxi ride from Charleroi 6000 to Brussels 1000 ?
The official taxi fare is about 155 € while the best price obtained is 104 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 58 km Duration: 53 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 20 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What's the fare of a taxi from Charleroi 6000 to Brussels South Charleroi Airport ?
The official taxi fare is about 52 € while the best price obtained is 46 €. A sedan can accommodate 1 to 4 passengers and has an average cost of 49 €, for a minibus accommodating 5 to 8 passengers it can generally cost you 64 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 10 km Duration: 12 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 26 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much do taxis cost from Charleroi 6000 to Tourcoing ?
The average price for a taxi ride is 291 € while the cheapest fare offered is 291 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 124 km Duration: 1 h 25 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 9 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What's the fare of a taxi from Tournai to Lille 59800 ?
The taxi price is generally 60 € while the cheapest price obtained on the price comparison website is 38 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 29 km Duration: 27 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 9 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi cost from Tournai to Tourcoing ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 64 € while the cheapest price offered is 47 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 32 km Duration: 29 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 10 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a cab cost from Tournai to Pecq ?
The price for a taxi service is on average 63 € with the lowest fare available being 63 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 7 km Duration: 11 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 32 drivers available on monTransport.com.
Last client's ratings
Wonderful Service. I use your services a number of times. We he’d excellent experiences each time. It is a wonderful service.
Very happy with this service. Efficient and easy to use
Really enjoyed the 2 trips from Facture Biganos to Andernos I was late because of the trains on the way there but the driver was waiting for me. very pleasant chauffeur! Thanks very much
Nice model - works wellNice model, efficient bidding mechanism.
Very useful for long rides thatVery useful for long rides that Uber or Kapten seldom serve.
Perfect service, driver was punctual, lovely, and helpful, service was excellent, website is super efficient and reliable, and very responsive with any queries. I highly recommend it.
Absolutely excellent service, I couldn’t fault it.
Highly recommend. Efficient service and excellent communication.
We needed a taxi from our middle of nowhere place to StEmilion. The process was very straight forward and the taxi we booked was all you would want it to be.
Great drive! The only ride I could book online in Nancy, France.
Super easy!The quality is excellent
Excellent service for two long tProvided an excellent service for two long trips at a very competitive price. Thoroughly recommended.
First time user....great experieFirst time user. Received three quotes and chose the lowest. Had a great experience with the driver used. Later had to use a taxi for an unexpected return trip....the taxi was dirty, driver uncommunicative and the trip cost 35% more! Will definitely use Mon again.
Great website easy to use and great taxi service, will use again.
Excellent service! Highly recommended.
It is really helpful to be able to book a transfer instead of having to try and find a taxi. You know in advance what you will pay. The drivers and cars are excellent and they turn up! Thankyou
First class serviceFirst class service. Bravo!
Excellent site from which to make an informed transportation choice. The driver and service were of the highest quality and a very good value for the reasonable price charged.
Good experience, would recommend
Great website, exceptionally good service, will use again.
Taxi cab Services in Hainaut Province, Belgium
Welcome to our taxi services page for Hainaut Province, a vibrant area in Wallonia region located in the heart of Belgium. Home to 1,344,241 residents and numerous landmarks including Charleroi, Mons, Tournai this province is a hub of activities and destinations.
Transportation in Hainaut Province
Hainaut Province boasts 3 train stations and 1 airport, providing easy and accessible routes to and from the area. The Charleroi-Central railway station and The Brussels South Charleroi Airport are among the busiest and most important hubs. These connect Hainaut Province with both domestic destinations and international ones, playing a crucial role in its vibrant economy and rich social life.
Our Partner Taxis in Hainaut Province
To cater to the dynamic transportation needs of Hainaut Province, we have partnered with 196 local taxi cab services. These services cover the entire province, ensuring that whether you are in Charleroi or Mons or anywhere else, a reliable ride is just a few clicks away. Our partners compete to offer the best rates, ensuring that you always get the best price for your ride.
24/7 Taxi Booking in Hainaut Province
Our 24/7 online booking system lets you compare rates and services from different providers all in one place. Save time and avoid the hassle of traditional taxi booking methods. Whether you're planning a trip to the nearest SNCB train station or need a quick ride to the Brussels South Charleroi Airport, our taxi services have you covered. All fares are agreed upon before booking, ensuring a transparent pricing model.
Private drivers and taxi services in Hainaut Province
Taxi services in Hainaut Province are tailored to cater to your specific needs. Whether you're a resident of Tournai or a tourist visiting Mons we offer a range of options from minivan taxis for larger groups to moto-taxis for single riders. We strive to make your journey as convenient and comfortable as possible.
Our partner drivers are professional, experienced, and have an intimate knowledge of Hainaut Province and the surrounding Wallonia region. This means that you're not just booking a taxi - you're also gaining a local guide who can offer insights and tips during your journey.
Make the most of your stay in Hainaut Province with our seamless and user-friendly online taxi booking services. It's never been easier to explore all the wonders of this beautiful province in Belgium. Secure your ride today and start your adventure in Hainaut Province!