Taxi cab trip fare |
Best price
Average price
Oderen train station to Belfort | 140€ | 140€ |
Merxheim train station to Bollwiller train station | 175€ | 175€ |
Muhlbach-sur-Munster to Vaivre-et-Montoille | 198€ | 239€ |
Colmar to Saint-Louis | 58€ | 134€ |
Colmar to Airport Bâle Mulhouse Fribourg | 58€ | 134€ |
Colmar to Eguisheim | 23€ | 78€ |
Colmar to Cernay | 65€ | 103€ |
Colmar to Airport Strasbourg | 82€ | 130€ |
Colmar to Ribeauvillé | 47€ | 47€ |
Colmar to Marckolsheim | 47€ | 78€ |
- What is the price for a taxi from Oderen train station to Belfort ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 140 € while the cheapest price offered is 140 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 53 km Duration: 55 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 55 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a cab cost from Merxheim train station to Bollwiller train station ?
The average cost of a taxi company is 175 € while the most competitive price found is 175 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 11 km Duration: 13 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 149 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the cost for my taxi ride from Muhlbach-sur-Munster to Vaivre-et-Montoille ?
Cab drivers in the area typically charge an average fare of 239 € on average, while the cheapest rate offered is 198 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 165 km Duration: 2 h 4 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 19 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What's the fare of a taxi from Colmar to Saint-Louis - Haut-Rhin (68) ?
The average price for a taxi trip is 153 €, when using a price comparison website you can book the same ride as cheap as 58 €. A vehicle with a driver that can accommodate 1 to 4 people has an average cost of 144 € and a mini van seating 5 to 8 passengers will generally cost you 214 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 59 km Duration: 38 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 20 times and has currently 152 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi ride cost from Colmar to Airport Bâle Mulhouse Fribourg ?
This taxi ride has an average cost of 144 € while the cheapest fare obtained is 58 €. From 1 to 4 people the average cost is 132 €, for a mini van accommodating 5 to 8 passengers it costs on average 216 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 59 km Duration: 38 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 19 times and has currently 148 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much are taxis from Colmar to Eguisheim ?
The average price is 57 € with the lowest fare available being 12 €. A sedan (1 to 4 passengers) costs on average 55 €, a minivan (5 to 8 passengers) costs on average 67 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 7 km Duration: 13 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 151 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a cab cost from Colmar to Cernay - Haut-Rhin (68) ?
The estimated average price for a taxi in this area is 103 € while the cheapest rate obtained is 65 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 43 km Duration: 34 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 149 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi ride cost from Colmar to Airport Strasbourg ?
The taxi price is generally 130 € while the cheapest price obtained on the price comparison website is 82 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 67 km Duration: 48 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 136 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much are taxis from Colmar to Ribeauvillé ?
The average price is 47 € with the lowest fare available being 47 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 13 km Duration: 14 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 150 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the price for a taxi from Colmar to Marckolsheim ?
The average fare for a taxi cab service is 78 € while the best rate is 47 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 24 km Duration: 25 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 136 drivers available on monTransport.com.
Last client's ratings
Very goodYou can make reservations on this site and may be cheaper than uber. Goodluck
Great service and easy to use.
Great website easy to use and great taxi service, will use again.
Was visiting the St Emilion region for my wedding. Enabled me to find a good sizeable transport for my entire family (2 adults and 2 kids), with a baby seat and booster.
First class serviceFirst class service. Bravo!
Perfect solution to a difficult transfer at the beginning of holiday
Good communication. Easygoing persons
Great service at a normal rate. Driver was lovely, friendly and punctual. Clean tidy vehicle and the driving was nice and smooth- didn't have to cling on for dear life like you do sometimes. Would highly recommend.
We needed a taxi from our middle of nowhere place to StEmilion. The process was very straight forward and the taxi we booked was all you would want it to be.
I could not be more impressed. Clear communication, prompt arrival, courteous service, comfortable car and exemplary driving. I highly recommend.
Excellent service! Highly recommended.
Very happy with this service. Efficient and easy to use
Great drive! The only ride I could book online in Nancy, France.
Great service, professional driver, clean and comfortable car
Excellent site to use and very fast response to my questions
It is really helpful to be able to book a transfer instead of having to try and find a taxi. You know in advance what you will pay. The drivers and cars are excellent and they turn up! Thankyou
Very easy to book and fastVery easy to book and fast. Reliable. Glad I decided to book through the website.
Wonderful Service. I use your services a number of times. We he’d excellent experiences each time. It is a wonderful service.
Youseff was a great driver! He was prompt and friendly. He offered great information and was an expert of the road. We would definitely recommend Youseff for anyone in need of a friendly and professional driver.
Extremely good service on every level. If only all taxi services were this good.
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Alpha taxis
Drive allure
Koop VTC
Taxi Télé Bordeaux
It could be for a transfer to the train station or the airport, a touristic tour in the Haut-Rhin department or a vehicle and driver hire for a selected time period, monTransport.com allows you to find and reserve a taxi / cab at the best market rate!
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