Book a taxi in Seville-Santa Justa railway station up to 70% cheaper

Taxi cab trip fare |
Best price
Average price
Seville-Santa Justa railway station to Madrid 28014 | 466€ | 711€ |
Seville to Seville-Santa Justa railway station | 23€ | 64€ |
- What is the cost for my taxi ride from Seville-Santa Justa railway station to Madrid 28014 ?
The average price for a taxi trip is 711 €, when using a price comparison website you can book the same ride as cheap as 466 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 407 km Duration: 3 h 27 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 6 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much are taxis from Seville to Seville-Santa Justa railway station ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 64 € while the cheapest price offered is 23 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 3 km Duration: 8 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 13 drivers available on monTransport.com.
Last client's ratings
Driver very sympatical, The car was totally clean. Appointment by sms useful and clear.
Absolutely excellent service, I couldn’t fault it.
Easy to place your request, can see reviews of each provider. Easy to pay in advance to make it stress free service.
excellent website to find good alternatives to taxi and uber. simple to use and very transparent
Great drive! The only ride I could book online in Nancy, France.
It is really helpful to be able to book a transfer instead of having to try and find a taxi. You know in advance what you will pay. The drivers and cars are excellent and they turn up! Thankyou
Great service and easy to use.
EfficientSerious site. Good service
Excellent service! Highly recommended.
Wonderful service! Driver was really helpful and polite and spoke English well.
Was visiting the St Emilion region for my wedding. Enabled me to find a good sizeable transport for my entire family (2 adults and 2 kids), with a baby seat and booster.
Youseff was a great driver! He was prompt and friendly. He offered great information and was an expert of the road. We would definitely recommend Youseff for anyone in need of a friendly and professional driver.
A very good service . Excellent vehicule and driver and good communication from mon transport from booking to the day of the transfer. Would recommend.
Great !!!Fab website, very reliable, cut our travel costs in half. Would definitely recommend.
Super easy!The quality is excellent
Very easy to book and fastVery easy to book and fast. Reliable. Glad I decided to book through the website.
Good experience, would recommend
Very useful for long rides thatVery useful for long rides that Uber or Kapten seldom serve.
Very goodYou can make reservations on this site and may be cheaper than uber. Goodluck
Competitive price
Secure payment
Qualified drivers
Any vehicles types
Many options and services
Do not hesitate to ask :
- A booster or baby seat for your child,
- If pets are accepted,
- To organize a private shuttle for your events (seminars, congresses, pilgrimages etc.),
- A welcome with a sign at the airport or at the train station.
Your driver will wait for you !
When to arrive at the Seville-Santa Justa railway station?
Best way to book a Taxi in Seville-Santa Justa railway station
Looking for a cheap and reliable way to get around Seville? Book a taxi or UBER in Seville-Santa Justa railway station using our helpful guide. With a population of 684,234 residents, Seville is a bustling hub with plenty to see and do. If you're looking to explore nearby areas, you can easily travel to Seville, Córdoba, Jerez de la Frontera, Huelva and Marbella from the railway station.
Before you embark on your journey, it's important to note that Seville-Santa Justa railway station is well-connected and provides access to Seville Airport and Jerez de la Frontera railway station. While there is usually a taxi rank at the station with vehicles available 24/7, wait times can sometimes be long. To avoid any inconvenience, we recommend checking prices online and booking a taxi in advance with monTransport.com.
3 Ways to Book a Taxi in Seville-Santa Justa railway station
At Seville-Santa Justa railway station, there are three easy ways to book a taxi:- Find the nearest taxi rank: the price will be fixed by the taximeter, but you may have to wait.
- Call a radio taxi or taxi driver: However, you won't know the cost until the ride is complete
- Book a taxi online: Fast and efficient, with a known price in advance.
To ensure a smooth journey, we suggest booking your long-distance or night taxi in advance on monTransport.com.
Taxi Ranks Available in Seville-Santa Justa railway station
Looking for a taxi rank at Seville-Santa Justa railway station? Check out our list of available taxi ranks below:
Taxi ranks are located near the main entrance or exit.Day or night, taxis are generally available at the station, based on train arrivals. For additional peace of mind, we recommend booking your taxi with monTransport.com.
Taxi Prices in Seville-Santa Justa railway station
Taxi prices in Seville-Santa Justa railway station are regulated by both local and national authorities, who set the maximum fare. Taxis must charge the agreed rate, which is fixed for the station if applicable, or the price displayed on the taximeter.
While some ride-hailing services such as Uber may charge higher prices during periods of high demand, official and regulated taxis cannot increase prices outside of the regulated rates. To avoid paying more than necessary, we recommend comparing all taxi services before booking.