Book a Taxi / Cab in Cadiz Province up to 70% cheaper

Taxi cab trip fare |
Best price
Average price
Cádiz to Seville | 204€ | 295€ |
Jerez de la Frontera railway station to Seville 41004 | 204€ | 314€ |
Cádiz to La Línea de la Concepción | 175€ | 274€ |
Cádiz to Jerez de la Frontera | 93€ | 93€ |
Jerez de la Frontera to La Línea de la Concepción | 192€ | 201€ |
Jerez de la Frontera to Jerez Airport | 52€ | 63€ |
Jerez de la Frontera railway station to Jerez Airport | 52€ | 63€ |
La Línea de la Concepción to Seville Airport | 326€ | 361€ |
Rota to Chiclana de la Frontera | 350€ | 350€ |
Jerez de la Frontera to Chiclana de la Frontera | 140€ | 140€ |
- How much do cab cost from Cádiz to Seville ?
The average fare for a taxi cab service is 295 € while the best rate is 204 €. The cost for 1 to 4 passengers is on average 204 € and for a minivan seating 5 to 8 passengers it usually costs 300 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 122 km Duration: 1 h 21 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 6 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much are taxis from Jerez de la Frontera railway station to Seville 41004 ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 314 € while the cheapest price offered is 204 €. A taxi fitting 1 to 4 passengers costs on average 204 €, while a minivan accommodating 5 to 8 passengers costs on average 320 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 122 km Duration: 1 h 21 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 6 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much do cab cost from Cádiz to La Línea de la Concepción ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 274 € while the cheapest price offered is 175 €. A taxi fitting 1 to 4 passengers costs on average 214 €, while a minivan accommodating 5 to 8 passengers costs on average 424 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 122 km Duration: 1 h 23 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 12 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the cost for my taxi ride from Cádiz to Jerez de la Frontera ?
The taxi price is generally 93 € while the cheapest price obtained on the price comparison website is 93 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 30 km Duration: 28 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 12 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a taxi ride cost from Jerez de la Frontera to La Línea de la Concepción ?
The average price charged by a taxi company is 201 € while the cheapest price offered is 192 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 111 km Duration: 1 h 14 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 12 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the cost for my taxi ride from Jerez de la Frontera to Jerez Airport ?
The taxi price is generally 63 € while the cheapest price obtained on the price comparison website is 52 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 12 km Duration: 18 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 13 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much do cab cost from Jerez de la Frontera railway station to Jerez Airport ?
The average cost with a taxi company is 63 € while the most affordable price obtained is 52 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 12 km Duration: 18 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 13 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much does a cab cost from La Línea de la Concepción to Seville Airport ?
The average cost of a taxi company is 361 € while the most competitive price found is 326 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 204 km Duration: 2 h 1 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 6 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the cost for my taxi ride from Rota to Chiclana de la Frontera ?
The average price charged by a taxi company is 350 € while the cheapest price offered is 350 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 64 km Duration: 54 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 12 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- What is the price for a taxi from Jerez de la Frontera to Chiclana de la Frontera ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 140 € while the cheapest price offered is 140 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 67 km Duration: 48 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 12 drivers available on monTransport.com.
Last client's ratings
Good communication. Easygoing persons
EfficientSerious site. Good service
Very useful for long rides thatVery useful for long rides that Uber or Kapten seldom serve.
The driver was punctual, efficient, a careful driver and helpful with our luggage.
Excellent service for two long tProvided an excellent service for two long trips at a very competitive price. Thoroughly recommended.
Very easy to book and fastVery easy to book and fast. Reliable. Glad I decided to book through the website.
A very good service . Excellent vehicule and driver and good communication from mon transport from booking to the day of the transfer. Would recommend.
Excellent site to use and very fast response to my questions
Perfect service, driver was punctual, lovely, and helpful, service was excellent, website is super efficient and reliable, and very responsive with any queries. I highly recommend it.
Great service and easy to use.
Easy to place your request, can see reviews of each provider. Easy to pay in advance to make it stress free service.
Excellent site from which to make an informed transportation choice. The driver and service were of the highest quality and a very good value for the reasonable price charged.
Driver very sympatical, The car was totally clean. Appointment by sms useful and clear.
Great !!!Fab website, very reliable, cut our travel costs in half. Would definitely recommend.
Super easy!The quality is excellent
Extremely good service on every level. If only all taxi services were this good.
Really enjoyed the 2 trips from Facture Biganos to Andernos I was late because of the trains on the way there but the driver was waiting for me. very pleasant chauffeur! Thanks very much
Great drive! The only ride I could book online in Nancy, France.
Very happy with this service. Efficient and easy to use
Taxi cab Services in Cadiz Province, Spain
Welcome to our taxi services page for Cadiz Province, a vibrant area in Andalusia region located in the heart of Spain. Home to 1,240,175 residents and numerous landmarks including Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Algeciras, San Fernando, Chiclana de la Frontera this province is a hub of activities and destinations.
Transportation in Cadiz Province
Cadiz Province boasts 1 train station and 1 airport, providing easy and accessible routes to and from the area.
Our Partner Taxis in Cadiz Province
To cater to the dynamic transportation needs of Cadiz Province, we have partnered with 77 local taxi cab services. These services cover the entire province, ensuring that whether you are in Jerez de la Frontera or Chiclana de la Frontera or anywhere else, a reliable ride is just a few clicks away. Our partners compete to offer the best rates, ensuring that you always get the best price for your ride.
24/7 Taxi Booking in Cadiz Province
Our 24/7 online booking system lets you compare rates and services from different providers all in one place. Save time and avoid the hassle of traditional taxi booking methods. Whether you're planning a trip to the nearest Renfe train station or need a quick ride to the Jerez Airport, our taxi services have you covered. All fares are agreed upon before booking, ensuring a transparent pricing model.
Private drivers and taxi services in Cadiz Province
Taxi services in Cadiz Province are tailored to cater to your specific needs. Whether you're a resident of Algeciras or a tourist visiting San Fernando we offer a range of options from minivan taxis for larger groups to moto-taxis for single riders. We strive to make your journey as convenient and comfortable as possible.
Our partner drivers are professional, experienced, and have an intimate knowledge of Cadiz Province and the surrounding Andalusia region. This means that you're not just booking a taxi - you're also gaining a local guide who can offer insights and tips during your journey.
Make the most of your stay in Cadiz Province with our seamless and user-friendly online taxi booking services. It's never been easier to explore all the wonders of this beautiful province in Spain. Secure your ride today and start your adventure in Cadiz Province!