Book a taxi in Blankenberge up to 70% cheaper

Taxi cab trip fare |
Best price
Average price
Blankenberge to Ostend – Bruges Airport | 70€ | 82€ |
Blankenberge to Oostende railway station | 70€ | 82€ |
Blankenberge to Fécamp | 574€ | 827€ |
- What's the fare of a taxi from Blankenberge to Ostend – Bruges Airport ?
Cab drivers in the area typically charge an average fare of 82 € on average, while the cheapest rate offered is 70 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 24 km Duration: 35 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 36 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much do taxis cost from Blankenberge to Oostende railway station ?
Cab drivers in the area typically charge an average fare of 82 € on average, while the cheapest rate offered is 70 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 24 km Duration: 35 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 36 drivers available on monTransport.com.
- How much are taxis from Blankenberge to Fécamp ?
The average taxi rate for this ride is typically 827 € while the cheapest price offered is 574 €.
For bigger group, send a request for quotes.
Distance: 371 km Duration: 3 h 38 mn View route on map
This cab trip has been booked 13 times and has currently 6 drivers available on monTransport.com.
Last client's ratings
The driver was punctual, efficient, a careful driver and helpful with our luggage.
Great !!!Fab website, very reliable, cut our travel costs in half. Would definitely recommend.
Excellent site from which to make an informed transportation choice. The driver and service were of the highest quality and a very good value for the reasonable price charged.
Very useful for long rides thatVery useful for long rides that Uber or Kapten seldom serve.
Perfect solution to a difficult transfer at the beginning of holiday
Driver very sympatical, The car was totally clean. Appointment by sms useful and clear.
Great drive! The only ride I could book online in Nancy, France.
Excellent service! Highly recommended.
Great website, exceptionally good service, will use again.
Absolutely excellent service, I couldn’t fault it.
Nice model - works wellNice model, efficient bidding mechanism.
I could not be more impressed. Clear communication, prompt arrival, courteous service, comfortable car and exemplary driving. I highly recommend.
First time user....great experieFirst time user. Received three quotes and chose the lowest. Had a great experience with the driver used. Later had to use a taxi for an unexpected return trip....the taxi was dirty, driver uncommunicative and the trip cost 35% more! Will definitely use Mon again.
Highly recommend. Efficient service and excellent communication.
Wonderful service! Driver was really helpful and polite and spoke English well.
Very happy with this service. Efficient and easy to use
Youseff was a great driver! He was prompt and friendly. He offered great information and was an expert of the road. We would definitely recommend Youseff for anyone in need of a friendly and professional driver.
First class serviceFirst class service. Bravo!
VERY helpful and friendly!!
Competitive price
Secure payment
Qualified drivers
Any vehicles types
Many options and services
Do not hesitate to ask :
- A booster or baby seat for your child,
- If pets are accepted,
- To organize a private shuttle for your events (seminars, congresses, pilgrimages etc.),
- A welcome with a sign at the airport or at the train station.
Yes, we have room for all your luggage
Comfortable air-conditioned taxis
How to Book a Taxi Online in Blankenberge
As the seaside holiday season approaches, are you still in need of a reliable taxi for your trips? Look no further! Blankenberge, located in West Flanders Province, in Belgium, is the perfect destination for your weekend getaway or extended beach vacation.
With a population of 18,000 inhabitants, Blankenberge is well-served by 2 train stations and 5 nearby airports. Additionally, the cities of Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Charleroi and Bruges - West Flanders are in close proximity to Blankenberge.
Coming to Blankenberge is quite simple: whether by Brugge railway station or by Ostend – Bruges Airport, several travel options are available to you. It is still better to book in advance to find a spacious, safe and cheap taxi, UBER or private driver. You will find 98 taxi cabs available at Blankenberge, referenced on monTransport.com. Make sure to specify whenever you need a more spacious taxi or a minivan.
During school holidays and the high season, Blankenberge experiences high demand, making it essential to book your long-distance or night taxi online in advance. If you're traveling with a group of friends or carrying sports equipment, we have the right taxi for you, available 24/7, including weekends and holidays. Additional amenities such as phone chargers, water bottles, and booster seats for children can be provided upon request.
How do I book a taxi in Blankenberge ?
There are 3 ways to book your taxi in Blankenberge:- Find the nearest taxi rank
- Call a taxi driver or a radio taxi
- Book your taxi cab online
Finding a taxi at night in Blankenberge can be challenging due to limited availability. To ensure your trip and meet your space and safety requirements, it's recommended to book in advance.
Taxi ranks in Blankenberge
During the high season, it may be uncommon to find taxis readily available at the taxi rank in Blankenberge. However, if you wish to give it a try, look for the designated taxi rank displaying a sign with the word "TAXI" in a distinctive color on a recognizable background. Also remember to use Google Maps on your phone by searching for “taxi station nearby Blankenberge” to find the nearest station.
To guarantee a taxi that meets your specific needs, such as extra space for water sports equipment, it's advised to book your affordable taxi in advance. This ensures a comfortable and safe trip, even for groups, with options like long-distance taxis, minivans, or night taxis.
Taxi price in Blankenberge
Taxi fares in Blankenberge are regulated by local and national authorities, defining the maximum prices for taxi rides. The fares can be calculated either based on the taximeter or a flat rate. If a flat rate is announced by the cab driver, ensure that it is cheaper than the final fare displayed on the taximeter.
Some limo services companies like UBER will implement higher prices and fare increases based on schedules and when demand increases. Official and regulated taxis are not allowed to apply these peak hour prices.
In seaside city resorts like Blankenberge, traffic congestion tends to occur during specific times that align with beach opening and closing hours, meal times, and significant days such as public holidays and long weekends. It's important to consider these factors when planning your travel to ensure a smooth and timely journey.
Vehicle and driver hire / Tours
If you're in need of a driver for a few hours or looking for tailor-made excursions such as guided city tours or seminars, we've got you covered. Simply send a quote request specifying your desired service in the "specific service" field. Our professional drivers and tour providers are ready to cater to your needs and make your experience memorable.
School taxi
For the safe transportation of your children to school or extracurricular activities, rely on our trusted partner taxis. Our experienced drivers prioritize the well-being of your children and ensure they arrive at their destinations punctually and safely.
Taxi roadside assistance
In case you find yourself stranded due to a vehicle breakdown or any other unexpected circumstances, our partner taxi companies are here to assist you. They can promptly arrange for a taxi to transport you home safely, providing you with peace of mind during unforeseen situations.
We strive to offer comprehensive services that cater to your diverse transportation needs. Whether it's hiring a driver, arranging tours, transporting your children, or providing roadside assistance, our reliable taxi services have got you covered.