Dump from /code/core/core_init.php, line 58

#0  mt_core->instance_exists(lang) called at [/code/core/service/geolocation.php:82]
#1  app_service\geolocation->locate() called at [/code/core/service/geolocation.php:43]
#2  app_service\geolocation->get_datetimezone() called at [/code/core/service/user.php:86]
#3  app_service\user->new_entity_provider(Array ([id] => 4633,[provider_cat] => 12,[provider_vehicle] => a:1:{i:0;i:14;},[creation_date] => 1509964833,[activation_date] => 1510326931,[adyen_date] => 1509964833,[last_connection_date] => 1714318008,[penultimate_connection_date] => 1714303478,[datetimezone] => Europe/Paris,[timezone_offset] => +02:00,[dtz_autodetect] => 1,[datetime_format] => fr1,[active] => 1,[deleted] => 0,[email] => nice@happymoov.com,[pass] => $2y$10$m5XjM0Er6CizfrUDkaxrF.GJOEAo4LPhZ5Z1QRRsQv30yja2YUgN.,[pass_tmp] => ,[pass_token] => ,[evidence] => PROV_5a003c207f0fd9.93513706.pdf,[insurance_evidence] => PROV_INS_5a05c24a57b118.06922175.jpeg,[evidence3] => ,[evidence_exp_date] => 0,[insurance_evidence_exp_date] => 1514678400,[evidence3_exp_date] => 0,[company_form] => sas,[capital] => 10000,[name] => Happymoov Nice CYCLOBALADE,[manager_gender] => m,[manager_first_name] => Adrien,[manager_last_name] => Martinat,[phone] => 0672320589,[mobile_phone] => 0652773933,[fax] => ,[website] => www.happymoov.com,[address] => HAPPYMOOV SUD, 3 PL MASSENA,[address_subsidiaries] => Réseau Happymoov présent dans 14 villes en France : www.happymoov.com,[rcs_rm] => rcs,[rcs_city] => Nice,[rcs_siren] => 531698744,[rcs_nic] => 00038,[rcs_rm_comp] => ,[rcs_date] => ,[rcs_individual] => 0,[submit_vat] => 1,[cpam] => 0,[parking_place] => city/139212,[parking_place_latitude] => 43.721802000,[parking_place_longitude] => 7.296490000,[id_city_hq] => 139209,[id_city] => 139212,[countyId] => |6|,[county_neighbours] => ,[county_additional] => ,[recieve_requests_upon_arrival_zipcode] => 0,[hq_place] => city/139209,[latitude_hq] => 43.714211,[longitude_hq] => 7.2469,[legal_space_id] => 9a70a61b-5b51-4491-b32b-b0df7bfba37a,[zipcodes_chosen] => 0,[passengers_min] => 1,[passengers_max] => 8+,[notif_ride] => 1,[summary_offer] => 0,[id_cancellation_policy] => 0,[service] => ,[infos_pro_ok] => 1,[id_provider_iban] => 5689,[description] => TRAJET SIMPLE
Choisir le vélotaxi pour vos petits trajets du quotidien, c'est adopter une mobilité durable et fun !
Nos Happyriders viennent vous chercher où vous voulez, alors à vous de jouer :)

Découvrez la ville sous un autre angle avec nos visites commentées !
Le vélotaxi offre une ouverture sur l'extérieur et une proximité usager-pilote idéale pour une (re)découverte inoubliable de la ville.

Votre Happyrider est à votre disposition, faites vos courses à votre rythme sans vous inquiéter de devoir porter vos sacs jusqu'à chez vous.

Nous travaillons en partenariat avec de nombreux commerçants qui nous confient vos emplettes afin qu'elles arrivent en un clin d'oeil chez vous, et sans rejet de CO2.,[description_en] => SINGLE RIDE
Choosing the vélotaxi for your short daily trips means adopting sustainable and fun mobility!
Our Happyriders will pick you up wherever you want, so it's up to you :)

Discover the city from a different perspective with our guided tours!
The vélotaxi offers an opening on the outside and an ideal user-pilot proximity for an unforgettable (re) discovery of the city.

Your Happyrider is at your disposal, do your shopping at your own pace without worrying about having to carry your bags to your home.

We work in partnership with many merchants who entrust us with your purchases so that they arrive at your place in the blink of an eye, and without CO2 emissions.,[facebook_id] => 10165125277045593,[facebook_token] => EAAGklbPPUawBAKZBbgZBjul4PovUg9A0GNi7KyXYt6N51WQffa7YCZBMZAv6q16p8HlmhFsIRu9oSZBVZCrBMCeW2Q5YqCs4vNbkBuVBpaqoFHWqO52mX2Sfr60cCqJA26N7ZCBFNOEsoAyxByZCVjwKWQytUOoCyzAAN3uNzWJ0QwZDZD,[note_global] => 0,[reliability_score] => 0,[pcent_reviews] => 0,[pcent_profile] => 74,[update_profile_date] => 1622397052,[pic] => ,[languages] => en-fr-es-de-it-po-cn-co-ru-tu-ar,[slogan] => Transferts centre-ville / Tours commentés (option audioguide),[slogan_en] => City center transfers / Guided tours (audio guide option),[nb_drivers] => 14,[nb_vehicles] => 14,[comments_private] => adresse différente sur soc.com,[last_activity_date] => 1714333918,[session_id] => sess_662e6ab862e679.90499698,[ip_address] =>,[mainPicture] => ,[lang] => fr,[newsletter] => 1,[partners_mail] => 1,[hide_tutorial] => 1,[sent_evidence] => 1,[deleted_date] => 0,[deleted_manual] => 0,[deleted_reason] => ,[deleted_comments] => ,[deleted_profile_hidden] => 0,[last_modification_time] => 2024-04-28 20:51:58,[cant_send_offers] => 0,[is_phone_blacklisted] => 0,[is_prepaid_request_sms_allowed] => 1,[is_rt_allowed] => 1,[is_index] => 0)) called at [/code/core/service/user.php:267]
#4  app_service\user->find_provider_by_id(4633) called at [/code/lang/base/profile.lang:21]
#5  require(/code/lang/base/profile.lang) called at [/code/core/lib/Page.class.php:2276]
#6  Core\Page->load_dictionary(profile) called at [/code/core/lib/Page.class.php:221]
#7  Core\Page->__construct()
#8  ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(Array ()) called at [/code/core/core_init.php:28]
#9  mt_core->new_instance(\Core\Page) called at [/code/core/core_init.php:1098]
#10 mt_core->page_object() called at [/code/core/core_init.php:43]
#11 mt_core->__get(page_object) called at [/code/core/core_init.php:11]
#12 c(page_object) called at [/code/index.php:93]
Pedicab in Nice : City center transfers / Guided tours (audio guide op

4 Pedicabs in and nearby will compete on your trip

Adrien Chauffeured bike services
Certified driver
0 reviews left
Vehicles 14
Vehicles in park
Drivers 14
Available drivers
en_US fr_FR es_ES de_DE it_IT po_PT cn_CN ru_RU ar_DZ
Languages spoken
0 reviews left
BayK Cruiser blue (2020)

City center transfers / Guided tours (audio guide option)

Choosing the vélotaxi for your short daily trips means adopting sustainable and fun mobility!
Our Happyriders will pick you up wherever you want, so it's up to you :)

Discover the city from a different perspective with our guided tours!
The vélotaxi offers an opening on the outside and an ideal user-pilot proximity for an unforgettable (re) discovery of the city.

Your Happyrider is at your disposal, do your shopping at your own pace without worrying about having to carry your bags to your home.

We work in partnership with many merchants who entrust us with your purchases so that they arrive at your place in the blink of an eye, and without CO2 emissions.

Book a Pedicab

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