Minibus, Taxi - Cab in Romainville
Gael Cab
Certified driver
Vehicles in park 5
Available drivers Opel Insignia black (2016)
Sedan, 3 passengers max
Options :
Transporte même les tapis volants
Transporte même les tapis volants
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Toyota C-hr grey (2021)
4x4/SUV, 4 passengers max
Options :
Crossover régulateur adaptatif et maintien dans la voie.
Crossover régulateur adaptatif et maintien dans la voie.
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Driver in Romainville. Transfers to airports and stations
I have been a private driver for more than 5 years all over Europe. Knowing the region well, I can also serve as a guide for you to visit the main monuments and its surroundings, such as Fontainebleau castle or Chantilly castle. I transport celebrities, business creators etc.