1093 Cab - Taxis in Vimines and nearby will compete on your trip

Minibus, Cab - Taxi in Vimines

Malik Taxi
Certified driver
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Vehicles 5
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Drivers 5
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Audi A4 Limousine blue...
Mercedes Vito gold (2017)

Airports Trains Stations Ski Station City Centers Best Driver

Taxi driver and private driver for almost 10 years we have worked from and to all the ski resorts of the Alps (Courchevel, Val D'isere, Chamonix, Alpes d'Huez, etc...) to and from all the airports (Geneva, Chambéry , Lyon, Grenoble, Annecy, Milan, Turin, etc…)
We are a fleet of more than 5 drivers. True enthusiasts, we practice our profession with the heart and we put spirit into what we do. We place the comfort of our customers at the center of our objectives. We always welcome our customers warmly. We offer the best of ourselves to our customers. Looking forward to driving you.

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