568 Taxis - Cabs in La Grande-Motte and nearby will compete on your trip


Minibus, Taxi - Cab in La Grande-Motte

Certified driver
5 / 5  on 7 trips
Vehicles 1
Available vehicle
Drivers 1
Available driver
en_US fr_FR
Languages spoken
5 / 5  on 7 trips
Peugeot Traveller blac...
Review and ratings
Ratings summary 5 / 5  on 7 trips
Vehicles and services
Pleasant driving





Ratings details (6)
Review sent on 12 january 2018 at 15:54
Transfer by Peugeot Traveller on 23 december 2017 from
: Very professional and excellent driver
From driver : Thani you miss for your évaluation. I’m vert happy to drivant you. Cordialy
Review sent on 18 july 2017 at 09:58
Transfer by Peugeot Traveller on 29 june 2017 from
: 2ème courses de la journée et toujours au top Didier
Un professionnel souriant et agréable !
Je recommande vivement !
From driver : J'essaie d'être au top du matin au soir 🙄
Review sent on 18 july 2017 at 09:57
Transfer by Peugeot Traveller on 29 june 2017 from
: Didier au top du professionnalisme et très agréable !
Je recommande vivement !
From driver : Merci pour votre avis qui me touche énormément. Espère vous revoir à bord de mon vehicule 🤗
Review sent on 3 april 2017 at 15:04
Transfer by Peugeot 508 2.0 HDI 140 on 29 march 2017 from
: Excellent
Un vrai pro
On se sent vraiment pris en charge
À conseiller sans hésitation
From driver : Merci beaucoup et à très bientôt de vous revoir
Review sent on 29 march 2017 at 13:18
Transfer by Peugeot 508 2.0 HDI 140 on 28 march 2017 from
: Le chauffeur était particulièrement professionnel : prévenant, sympathique, ponctuel.
J'ai particulièrement aprecié la conduite remarquablement souple.
Je le recommande vivement
From driver : Merci pour vos compliments et commentaires. Ces trajets ont été effectués pour moi avec grand plaisir.
Review sent on 27 march 2017 at 14:41
Transfer by Peugeot 508 2.0 HDI 140 on 22 march 2017 from
: Chauffeur ponctuel, efficace et sérieux, courtois...

La prise en charge a été effectuée à 5. 10 comme annoncé.

Je recommande chaudement ce Monsieur.
From driver : Merci pour vos compliments qui me touchent profondément. Cordialement
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Transport of persons with driver-Vehicle up to 8 places.

******************** is a passenger transport company located in Lunel and La Grande Motte.
We offer you a service that meets your requirements.
We provide 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, your business trips, seminars, conferences or leisure.
We can provide you with an eight-seater vehicle and its driver for the half-day, the day or more. We will make your trips a moment of relaxation.
We offer a bottle of mineral water, sweets, a radio station of your choice, and a laptop charger on board.
We are committed to making your satisfaction our priority.
Our trips are limitless in France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium etc ...

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