Minibus, Cab - taxi in Rocheservière

Peugeot 508 white (2013)
Sedan, 4 passengers max

Mercedes Classe V grey (2014)
Minivan, 7 passengers max
Transport of People / regions of Nantes and Vendée
The company ********************* proposes various services which are:
- transfers Airport/station SNCF and all other places (travel agencies, undertaken places of residence ..) for the travelers in the professional and tourist frame - all the transport bound to the Tourism, the special event managements and taken out Shopping.
- Transport in rural areas for isolated people allowing them to move by accompanying them in their exits to the everyday life Recommended Route is a transport company of People and HYBRID BIKE with a politics of pricing which can go to 20 % that a traditional transport, and more on long distances.
We are for your listening with a will to answer your expectations, you can ask us for a personalized service.