3203 Cab - taxis in Paris and nearby will compete on your trip


Wheelchair taxi, Minibus, Cab - taxi in Paris

Bamdad Taxi (Shuttle)
Certified driver
5 / 5  on 6 trips
Vehicles 3
Vehicles in park
Drivers 6
Available drivers
en_US fr_FR
Languages spoken
5 / 5  on 6 trips
Toyota Prius plus blac...
Toyota Auris touring s...
Review and ratings
Ratings summary 5 / 5  on 6 trips
Vehicles and services
Pleasant driving





Ratings details (4)
Review sent on 6 august 2019 at 09:22
Transfer by Toyota Prius plus on 4 march 2018 from Paris
Review sent on 12 december 2018 at 16:58
Transfer by Toyota Prius plus on 12 december 2018 from
: Personne très sympa et très professionnelle.
Je recommande et je garde ses coordonnées pour une prochaine fois .
Automated rating
Review sent on 13 march 2018 at 05:58
Transfer by Toyota Prius plus on 18 march 2018 from
: The transport provider canceled the booking 5 days before pickup.
Automated rating
Review sent on 13 march 2018 at 05:56
Transfer by Toyota Prius plus on 16 march 2018 from Paris
: The transport provider canceled the booking 3 days before pickup.

Taxis and cab

Société de transports of custommers in Paris and around.
We are equipped with a TAXI vehicle, a cab vehicle, for transports services on the island of France mainly as well as on the France and neighboring countries.
Equipped with hybrid and ecological vehicle.
We also do a lot of our trips for the transfer to airports and guided tours of the sights of Paris..
Our fleet consists of 6 drivers on 3 vehicles that perform a service day and night.
The drivers are mixed so both women and men will be happy to welcome you for optimum service.
We also do a lot of our trips for airport transfers as well as guided tours of Parisian tourist attractions.
We offer a tailor-made and unique service with guided tour of Parisian monuments if you need it.

Book a Taxi / Cab

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