1020 Cab - taxis in Ivry-sur-Seine and nearby will compete on your trip

Luxury car, Cab - taxi in Ivry-sur-Seine

Mourad Taxi (Shuttle)
Certified driver
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Vehicles 1
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Drivers 1
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Citroën C5 BUSINESS gr...

Your satisfaction is our highest objective

Transport to leave and in Ile de France, Stations, Airports, Put at disposal, tourist routes, long ways in Europe… with 4 passengers.

In the vehicle you will find drinks, candies, magazines, shares internet connection, a seat baby could be placed at the disposal with the request, charger telephones, and a shelf could be to you put at available during the way.

If your train or your flight is slow, time waiting at the station or airport is free with height 1 hour.

At your disposal 7/7 Days.

Punctuality, discretion and service

Your satisfaction is our highest objective

A very soon on board!

Book a Taxi / Cab

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