Minibus, Cab - Taxi in Seillac

Toyota Auris HSD Touring Sport burgundy (2017)
Hatchback, 4 passengers max
Taxi de Seillac - Artisan indépendant - Available 24/7
Located in Seillac, in the Cisse Valley, we put our transport experience at your service in order to offer you the service that meets your expectations at the best price, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
From 1 to 4 people, children alone or accompanied, we also accept animals, and can tow a trailer over all distances, day and night, and in all weathers, safely thanks to the training of your driver in the safe driving in degraded conditions.
Our care is carried out over a large perimeter, depending on the requested journey.
If you need more information, please contact us.