621 Personenvervoer - taxi's in Bondues en omstreken zullen concurreren om uw rit


Luxewagen, Minibus, Personenvervoer - taxi in Bondues

Benoît Taxi (Shuttle)
Gecertificeerde chauffeur
5 / 5  over 6reizen
Voertuigen 2
Voertuigen in wagenpark
Chauffeurs 2
Beschikbare chauffeurs
Gesproken talen
5 / 5  over 6reizen
Skoda SUPERB grijs (2014)
Renault Latitude grijs...
Reviews en beoordelingen
Samenvatting beoordelingen 5 / 5  over 6reizen
Voertuigen en services
Aangenaam rijgedrag
Zeer goed





Details beoordelingen (2)
Beoordeling verzonden op 17 augustus 2015 om 15:25
Transfer met Skoda SUPERB om 9 augustus 2015 vanuit Lille
: Totalement satisfaite de la prestation de ce transporteur et ne manquerai pas de le solliciter lors d'un prochain déplacement. Tout s'est organisé dans les meilleures conditions possibles.
Beoordeling verzonden op 6 augustus 2015 om 23:57
Transfer met Skoda SUPERB om 6 augustus 2015 vanuit Leers
: Très bonne prestation. Je ne manquerai de le solliciter lors d'un prochain transfert.

Chauffeurs privés pour particuliers et professionnels

We Benoît and Sonny leaders and drivers ********. Our transport company is based on Bondues.

We offer transportation solution that allows you to travel on short or long trips calmly and comfortably, by bringing our know-being and know-how. Where you want to go there we will drive 24H / 24, 7/7.

Our services adapt to individuals and professionals for your:

Surrender your personal
Surrender yourself professionals
-Transfers Station / Airport
-Séminaires, Meetings, trainings
-Sorties Various (evening shopping ...)
-Sorties Schools

You want your chauffeur is at your disposal when you have reached your destination?
It's possible ! We offer a flat rate (hour, half day, day).

On board our vehicle you will have access to our touchscreen tablet, smartphone or PC to the internet (WIFI 4G). Bottled water and phone chargers are available.

On request when booking, we have a carseat child. For your information, we accept our friends the animals as they are transported in a suitable cage.

For more information, we invite you to visit our website which allows you to directly estimate the amount of your journey.

Benoît & Sonny

Reserveer een Taxi / monovolume

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