Luxewagen, Minibus, Personenvervoer - taxi in La Bourdinière-Saint-Loup

BMW SERIE 5 blauw (2021)
Stationwagen, 4 max passagiers
Bien cordialement.
Taxi to La Bourdininière St Loup -Eure and Loir - All journeys -
Craftsman taxi, working alone, recently installed.
Punctual and careful, I take you to your meeting place, to your specialist, your hairdresser, or any other requests. Helpful, I help you to carry your commissions if you wish.
I work mainly on the Eure-et-Loir and the neighbouring departments, but I remain available for all your travels and on all distances.
I accompany you to the main tourist spots of our region.
Flyers on the Eure-et-Loir are available on request.