3004 reisbussen en minibussen in Coignières en omstreken zullen concurreren om uw rit

Reisbus minibus in Coignières (78310)

Abdelkader Reisbus aanbieder
Gecertificeerde chauffeur
0 beoordelingen achtergelaten
Voertuigen 7
Voertuigen in wagenpark
Chauffeurs 15
Beschikbare chauffeurs
en_US fr_FR es_ES
Gesproken talen
0 beoordelingen achtergelaten
Temsa Safari HD 12 wit...
Temsa Opalin 9 wit (2010)
VDL FUTURA FHD wit (2015)
VDL FUTURA FHD wit (2015)
VDL Futura FHD wit (2016)

Autocar a Paris et Ile de France et toutes destinations

Since 2009,
We offer the provision of coach touring for travel in France and Europe

Transport buses and minibuses National / International associations and C.E school and educational services, incoming agency, foreign agency, delegation, community, etc ... Vehicles special grand touring 9-61 seats. Transfers, airports, stations in Ile de France and Paris Provision, excursions, tours of the Parisian monuments,

Since 2009 W & A Transporter is customized transport specialist for all budgets, little serious and dynamic company, our strength is small or large are namely:

Responsiveness, listening, punctuality, quality, availability,

Our team consists of experienced driver, a reagent schedule of a commercial service available to you and a hotline available 7/7 to meet your expectations

Our team consists of 15 employees full time and a temporary staff available for emergencies

Best value, try us. We are truly passionate professionals.

Reserveer een Reisbus / minibus

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