Minibus, Mietwagen mit Fahrer - Taxi (Fahrdienst) in Noailles.
Victorien Taxi
Zertifizierter Fahrer

Ford Smax grau (2018)
Minivan, 6 max. Passagiere
Optionen :
Taxi Noailles - Aeroport Brive Taxi ****************** Noailles2
Craftsman Taxi on the municipality of Noailles 19600 and present at the airport Brive Vallée of the Dordogne I possessed a taxi car 6 places any comfort (Ford SMAX)
I assure(insure) your transfers towards hotels, stations, other destinations...
Available 24 hours a day and 7j / 7 to serve you
Preliminary reservation of the possible taxi upon the arrival of your plane