Minibus, Mietwagen mit Fahrer - Taxi (Fahrdienst) in Gaillard.

Ford USA EDGE St Line weiß (2019)
4x4/SUV, 3 max. Passagiere
Drive to serve you...
I am Taximan since 2010 after working in airlines Companies (British Airways, Easyjet and AirFrance) for almost 20 years) and put my relationship experience, my availability, my enthusiasm, my punctuality and my professionalism ...
I speak English and offer excellent service in a huge and large SUV recent vehicle of great comfort.
I suggest all trips 7/7; I am CPAM approved to transport the seated patients ..
I use to drive to Airports, Stations and Ski Resorts ...
I own the Credit Card Payments Terminal except AMEX and Diners'Club.